No. 32: Bill Cooper

Top 51 for 2021

“Despite years of drought that are inevitable in the desert areas of  California, the Santa Clarita Valley has always been able to rely on safe, clean water, thanks to years of dedication from its leaders like Bill Cooper.”

— Richard Budman, Signal Publisher/Owner

Bill Cooper, who served as the first president of the new SCV Water Agency, has been a steward of this valley’s water for years prior when he was a member of the board of directors for the previously named Castaic Lake Water Agency.

While his water experience extends well beyond the Santa Clarita Valley, having been a manager of water resources for millions of water users through his previous job with the Metropolitan Water District, Copper is heavily involved in his local community.

College of the Canyons and the Santa Clarita Valley Child & Family Center are just two of the many local organizations he supports with his time and resources. 

Whether it’s explaining how and why we have enough water to support the future of SCV’s development, or helping to lead the way with decisions, residents are fortunate to have Bill Cooper advocating on their behalf.

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