I always look forward to two interesting pages of The Sunday Signal Magazine, the Opinion Page and the “Last Page” featuring Jim Mullen’s “The Village Idiot.”
Not to take anything away from “Our Views” or “Ethically Speaking,” but it’s Mr. Mullen’s writings and unique sense of humor that I find a treat as the last reading from the pages of the magazine before this entertaining supplement heads for its inevitable demise in the recycle barrel. Amazing what Jim found in his veggie drawer, and on the door of his refrigerator (those in-storage bottles of salad dressing). After reading Jim’s column, I had no choice but to go to my refrigerator and rummage through it (it’s one of those new computerized double-door, almost walk-in models) and darn if Mr. Mullen’s findings were not surprisingly close to what I found too! Keep up the good work Jim, maybe next week you can go through your pantry. That’ll help me and I’m sure many other readers rethink not only “UFO’s” (Unidentified Fridge Objects) but also “UPO’s” (Unidentified Pantry Objects) that are lurking within the confines of our kitchens.
Funny how we keep stacking things up in preparation for when we’ll need all of these items now in deep storage. In truth, we may never actually use many of them, but if the day ever comes that’ll we’ll need ’em all (yeah right) by golly they’ll be there!
Rick LaGrasta, Valencia