With the beginning of a new year and century,we find a world in confusion and conflict in so many areas and so many levels. I recently learned of a meeting in Japan with Pope Francis and representatives of various religious and spiritual leaders from Japan who gathered at the Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima. It was an awe-inspiring occasion. The pope shook hands with the representatives and also with surviving victims of the atomic bombings. The pope started his speech by citing psalm 122:8 from the Bible, “for love of my brethren and friends I say peace upon you.”
The pope and those present called on us to protect all living things.
It is impossible to pray for peace when we produce weapons of destruction.
We are all children of God and therefore it is not impossible for us to bring about change.
Spread smiles. Show kindness.
Two simple practices.
We can encourage cooperation between all groups to bring about peace. We can become pioneers to change the course of crises facing humanity. These are not my words but those who united together to encourage cooperation to establish peace in the world.
So I will take these words to heart and endeavor to become one who respects all living things and will do what I can to protect them. I will make effort to see the good, to respect the beliefs and practices of others, to smile more often, to offer kindness whenever and wherever I can, to protect living things.
I will endeavor to do my best to make this my New Year’s resolution. I invite you to join me.
Norma Lindemann
Santa Clarita