Bob Kellar: Our essential Hearts for Heroes in Santa Clarita

Santa Clarita City Councilmember Bob Kellar

Over the past two months, the entire nation has been tested in a way that most of us have not seen before. Here in Santa Clarita, the community has done what it does best, which is to come together to support neighbors, friends and family members. The city has seen an outpouring of support for Santa Clarita’s essential workers through the online “Hearts for Heroes” campaign, as residents share photos of decorated hearts with words of thanks and encouragement for those putting themselves at risk to provide products and services for the public.

Those folks working in businesses classified as “essential” should never go unnoticed, but frankly, they have been taken for granted in society. Postal workers, shelf stockers and retail associates have been working around the clock to ensure Santa Clarita families can get the supplies they need. At the same time, first responders, doctors and nurses are putting themselves in harm’s way to take care of those who are sick while also taking extraordinary steps to physically distance themselves from their own families to keep them healthy.

Their continued hard work and dedication has not only assisted in slowing the spread of the coronavirus, but it has also made life for countless families safer and more manageable while staying at home. These workers exemplify what it means to be a Santa Clarita resident and show why the city is a wonderful place to call home.

Hometown Heroes

The month of May represents another time when Santa Clarita celebrates those who are essential in our lives. Each year around Memorial Day, the city of Santa Clarita displays banners throughout the city for the community’s Hometown Heroes. Families of Santa Clarita residents currently on active military duty can order a banner to be hung in their loved one’s honor. Additionally, banners for Gold Star service members who have died in the line of duty are hung together near the Fallen Warrior’s Bridge, where Newhall Ranch Road and Golden Valley Road meet.

Hometown Heroes banners are displayed for Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and Veterans Day each year. You can browse the gallery of Hometown Heroes and get more information on ordering a banner by visiting

Santa Clarita has great pride for its sons and daughters who serve in the armed forces, and it has been especially tough for military families to be apart during this time of uncertainty and orders to remain at home. With Memorial Day approaching, a great way to show support for these families in the community is by building on the Hearts for Heroes campaign.

When you visit, you can download and print out a paper heart that can be taped to your door or displayed in your window. Take time to decorate the heart using your own creativity, but please be sure to include a message of gratitude for those who are heroes in your life. When you are done, share it with the city by taking a picture and posting it to your favorite social media page while using #HeartsForHeroes in the caption. This will enable city staff to find your photo so it can be shared with Santa Clarita’s heroes and their families.

These past months have been trying, but Santa Clarita residents continue to take care of one another. Please take the time to thank Essential Heroes and let them know how much they mean to you.

Councilman Bob Kellar is a member of the Santa Clarita City Council and can be reached at [email protected].

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