Community: Santa Clarita 9-year-old wins ‘Readers of L.A.’ video contest

Courtesy photo Aakash Ahuja Jr. 9, was honored recently as the elementary school division winner of the “Readers of L.A.” video contest, in which he described his favorite book, “Kid Start-Up.”

Aakash Ahuja Jr., a 9-year-old fourth-grade student from Santa Clarita, was recently honored as the elementary school division winner of the L.A. County Office of Education’s “Readers of L.A.” video contest, in which students were encouraged to submit videos in which they described their favorite books.

Ahuja’s video described his favorite book, “Kid Start-Up: How You Can Be an Entrepreneur,” by Mark Cuban, Shaan Patel and Ian McCue.

“One reason I like this book is because it encourages kids to start a business,” Ahuja said in his winning video. “This book changes my life because, now, I feel like I could start a business one day.”

For his winning entry, Ahuja earned a $200 shopping spree from the Scholastic Book Fairs catalog, and his video was featured on the Readers of L.A. Facebook page, @RLAofLACOE, along with a post that said, “The elementary winner of this year’s contest is certainly going to be ruling the business world one day! Fourth-grader Aakash loves learning about starting a business. Watch out, world!”

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