Kudos to Gary Rogness (letters, May 22), a citizen who truly believes in the goodness of all people. To mask or not to mask, that is the question. Since the coronavirus problem has been politicized, so has mask wearing.
If you are uncomfortable in your own community or when out doing errands are shopping, there are some things you can do to improve the situation. With respect to local businesses, until the county ordinance is lifted, you can speak to the manager to discuss customers or employees either not wearing a mask or not wearing it correctly. Second, a quick call or e-mail to the corporate office of the business might help. Third, if you aren’t satisfied with the response of the business, spend your money elsewhere. Businesses will take notice when their profits are impacted because they are ignoring the law.
Last, there is an online complaint form for the L.A. County Public Health Department. It takes five minutes to fill out and investigators will follow up on the complaint. In our own communities there are also problems with people not wearing masks. It is difficult to go to Central Park and feel safe. Even around local developments residents are not wearing them. We just have to work around the problem and mourn the world as we knew it, fully understanding that this is a lot more dangerous and less friendly world.
It’s the age-old question of group rights vs. individual rights. Just remember — for those who want to stay healthy and who are concerned about their own health, that of their families, friends and neighbors, wear those masks. We must stay healthy to ensure we can vote in November! Every Santa Clarita resident, please, please VOTE!
Randi Kay