It is past time for all small business owners and their employees to step up and sign the petition to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom.
It doesn’t matter what party you belong to. What matters is by continuing the shutdowns as he has, he has not only destroyed many businesses but also destroyed lives, increased the unemployment, and increased the bankruptcies that will come from businesses and lost homes. He has and will, if allowed, continue to cause the homelessness of many families — families that would never be in this position had he not extended the shutdowns.
Along with the illegal executive orders, which have been stopped by court order and some that will need to be reversed, we need to move forward and get people back on their feet to rebuild our economy. The state may have a surplus now, but that will be gone as more income is lost. I believe that shortly in the future we will see how manipulated the numbers are and continue to be, along with the whole epidemic being brought to a halt due to current international lawsuits filed around the world. See the outcome of Ecuador and Portugal lawsuits. Ours was filed in January. More are coming.
We also need to step up, write and call each of the L.A. County Board of Supervisors requesting the removal of Barbara Ferrer, who under state laws and guidelines should be a real medical doctor. She will continue to keep L.A. County shut down. In hiring her, they also have a responsibility to follow the laws of our state.
It does not matter if you are Asian, Black, Hispanic, Caucasian, or what country you are from, as long as you are a citizen of the U.S. and a resident we should band together to protect our freedom, liberty and right to work. This is your life, not theirs. Let us unite to regain what many have lost this year. Sign the petition. Write those letters or call the L.A. County Board of Supervisors to remove Barbara Ferrer. If need be, then to start processes to remove all of the supervisors and replace them with people who will work for the betterment of ALL. Let’s get our kids back in school, let’s get California back on its feet. Let’s rebuild many lives and make it better for everyone.
Watch for the “Recall Newsom” teams in our area or print out your own and mail it in:
Megan Morrison
Santa Clarita