Like millions of other Americans, I am still trying to reckon with what happened in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, when the constitutionally mandated certification of Electoral College results was interrupted by a domestic terror attack.
Make no mistake, this was a terrorist attack. In the days since, we have seen funny Tik Tok videos and memes produced that make light of some of the more ridiculous participants. Do not let this dilute the facts. There is photographic evidence of men entering the Capitol with guns and zip tie restraints, while other terrorists erected gallows near the compromised building. Additional guns and a crate of Molotov cocktails were recovered later. Three pipe bombs had to be removed and safely detonated. Five people died.
This horrifying event is made all the more troubling when we realize that those who incited the attack are elected officials, with whom we have entrusted our nation’s safety.
These instigators of terror did so by continually insisting that there was ample evidence to object to the certification of the Electoral College results even after more than 60 court cases in front of some 90 justices, the individual states in question, and even the president’s hand-selected attorney general determined that widespread voter fraud did not occur.
These instigators of terror knew they were supporting lies that attacked the bedrock of our democracy, and determined that it was appropriate to continue their support. I’m sure they had their reasons to support lies. I’m sure those reasons don’t matter now.
The list of those responsible for inciting the violence that killed five Americans includes the then-president, over a dozen Republican senators, and a majority of the Republican Party’s House of Representatives members, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who serves the 23rd Congressional District from Lancaster to Bakersfield, and Mike Garcia, who serves the 25th district that includes the rest of the Antelope Valley, Santa Clarita, and out to Simi Valley.
These men must resign. They have violated their sacred oath to uphold and defend the Constitution by supporting Donald Trump’s treacherous efforts to overturn the results of a fair election. Again, no evidence has been found to suggest that voter fraud took place on any type of significant scale and neither of the congressmen mentioned have provided any, even though they were adamant that enough existed to support their objection to election results.
This objection breathed life into the lie for millions of Americans, and cleared the path for the terrorist attack to occur on our nation’s Capitol. This places the carnage, bloodshed and loss of life squarely at the feet of these objectors. I hope all good Americans residing in California’s 23rd and 25th congressional districts who seek justice will join me in calling for the resignations of Mike Garcia and Kevin McCarthy, who have failed our country in such a tragic and historic way.
Daniel Lagomarsino