I’ve often wondered about your columnist, Gary Horton. I’ve read his pieces, and I took a good shot at one of them (his recent directive to do our “duty” by getting vaccinated), but his piece (June 2) clinched it. He is significantly more emotional than he is rational, and more wrong than he is right.
I think with Mr. Horton there is no right or wrong, there is only his view and anyone who disagrees with his view – another sign of a liberal.
I won’t get into the details of the article itself because it would be a reiteration of my statements on the fallacies of the left when it comes to voting laws, among their many other fallacies. These issues are superficial symptoms of something far more fundamental, so let’s sweep all of those incidental trivialities clean off the table. The fundamental here is the motivation for people in places of civic leadership, and there are only two:
True Believer.
Path to Power.
In that sense I see Mr. Horton being on a path to power. I say that because I don’t think he really believes in anything — not fairness, not justice, and certainly not democracy. He rails against the very democracy that allows people to do what they are doing. He complains when people are allowed to do things with which he disagrees. And IT IS DEMOCRACY, Mr. Horton, that allows that to happen. Just because it isn’t going your way doesn’t make it an authoritarian dictatorship. All it means is that not everyone thinks the way you do – and that’s not a bad thing.
P.S. Gary Horton should live in Iran for a few years to see what voter suppression really looks like.
Arthur G. Saginian
Santa Clarita