Arthur Saginian | What Are You Willing to Sacrifice?

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

This is in response to Paul Butler’s response (Oct. 7) to Rob Kerchner’s comparison of the United States and Sweden when it comes to how each country is dealing with COVID-19 and their respective outcomes in terms of infection rates and deaths as a percentage of population. Rob Kerchner’s letter says that Sweden’s numbers are “far below the U.S.,” but Paul Butler’s letter uses World Health Organization website numbers to show that we are indeed about the same. 

OK, am I missing something here or did Paul Butler just prove that it doesn’t matter what you do, you’re going to get the same outcome? So, back to defending Rob Kerchner: Why bother doing anything? Except for that one little difference that really matters — population density, and it matters. So I can’t back Kerchner based on his numbers, but I will back him based on principle, which is more important to me than numbers. 

I think it comes down to a simple question: What are we willing to sacrifice for what? Wouldn’t you agree?   

Arthur Saginian

Santa Clarita

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