First to Dan Walters for his article “California Gun Law Headed to Supreme Court,” Dec. 7:
I personally have never owned a gun, and never will. However, for California to take away the rights of people to defend themselves is flat-out wrong! Gov. Gavin Newsom is wrong. Criminals will always possess these clips and weapons. Trying to defend yourself without them is like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Thank you Dan for your great article!
Second, to Victor Lindenheim’s letter to the editor (Dec. 7).
Thank you Victor, for bringing to our attention the Golden State Gateway Coalition and the work it has been doing for us. I, like so many other citizens (I am sure) had no idea the coalition existed.
Please thank all of the members of the coalition, for all of us in Santa Clarita and the North L.A. County region!
Ron Perry
Canyon Country