It is interesting to read Lois Eisenberg’s letters because they are always consistent. In the June 9 Signal she rails against Republicans who are pro-life (usually) for not advocating for gun control. The 50 Republicans along with the National Rifle Association who advocate that people kill, not guns, are responsible for gun violence. The GOP has allowed the most dangerous people to access the worst weapons by denying gun control and embracing the NRA. News flash, Lois: Bad guys did not get the memo about being denied access to guns. Chicago has the strictest gun laws but some of the highest murder rates.
There was an assault weapons ban in 1994 that expired after 10 years. Lois has accused Republicans of not supporting the reinstatement of this ban, but according to Byron York, a credible journalist, on the same page, 10 Republicans voted to reinstate the ban even though there was little evidence it actually did anything to decrease gun violence. Historically, every dictatorship started out by confiscating weapons from law-abiding citizens. Hitler, Stalin and Mao were famous for this. Some would have voted for Hitler if he had a “D” behind his name.
Careful what you wish for. History has a way of repeating itself. We need to learn from it.
Phyllis A. McKenna
Stevenson Ranch