Assuming you are a voter, either side of the aisle, I am pleading with you to not be fooled again by a ballot measure in November.
The headline in the Signal on July 12 said, “Supes to consider special election to remove L.A. County sheriff.” However, if you read far enough down the article, you will see that the ballot measure is not to remove the sheriff, but rather “for the purpose of voting on an amendment to the county charter that would ‘grant the Board of Supervisors the authority to remove the sheriff’ for cause.”
This would change the county charter, giving the Board of Supervisors the power to remove any new sheriff they did not like.
This is usurping the power of the people. We the people elect the sheriff and only we should be allowed to remove him/her! There is already a process for that.
This is just one more way to handcuff the law enforcement officers we need so badly.
So do we want to become a Seattle, or a San Francisco? Ask yourself this question: Am I too lazy to take the time to really understand what the board is doing, or do I just let the government commit more and more overreach?
Don’t be fooled! Really read and understand all ballot measures before you vote.
Ronald Perry
Canyon Country