Hillary Hall | Taban: Selfless Leadership

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

It is not often a community has the opportunity to elect a person who has a proven record of trustworthiness and leadership. A person who has been more about helping us than about themself. We got lucky this election cycle with a candidate for local office, Andrew Taban who is running to represent us in the William S. Hart Union High School District, Trustee Area 2. As an educator, and one of the leaders of our local teacher associations, I have gotten the opportunity to work with Andrew for years now. I know that his experience as an educator gives him the insight that teachers face in the classroom day to day, and that he would fight to give us a voice in the boardroom. 

When he was an education liaison for the state Assembly, he was our go-to man when we needed direction or someone to advocate for us. His experience working with youth with disabilities and also working on legislation advocating for our students and community made me notice this is a candidate who is simply running because he cares. Andrew is a rare kind of candidate who has the knowledge, background and experience in education, budgeting, small business and so much more. 

I encourage you to vote for Andrew Taban for the Hart district, Trustee Area 2, this Nov. 8. Our community and students deserve a representative who has us in mind.

Hillary Hall

Canyon Country

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