I’ve noticed that the opinion section in The Signal (or any newspaper, for that matter) basically amounts to three or four different sinks around which the letters and columns circle. Sometimes it gets dizzying (to the point of nauseating) watching them get thrown into the sink and gradually spin down into the drain.
The same issues, the same problems, the same complaints, over and over again. Every now and then an accolade of some sort or a holiday wish, but essentially a collection of some very worn-out records.
So, is that the current state of affairs with our species? I think perhaps it may very well be. It’s sort of like the movie “All Quiet on the Western Front.” We seem to be in a stalemate of sorts, sitting in our respective trenches waiting for the whistle to blow so we can climb out and run at the machine gunners on either side.
No matter how much (or even what) any of us write, nothing but preaching or venting is actually accomplished. Consequently, I have concluded that the opinion section is not much more than a virtual group therapy session, and the best thing about it is that there are no premiums, fees or co-pays.
Thanks to the publisher for providing that.
Arthur Saginian
Santa Clarita