Dick Cesaroni | The Thin Blur Line

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

I received an e-mail about L.A. Police Chief Michael Moore banning display of the Thin Blue Line flag because it was a symbol of “racism.” That decision was nothing short of cowardice, an abandonment of his support for the fine men and women of his department, at a time when it appears so many public and political leaders are singing the same song about defunding the police.

I look at the Thin Blue Line as representing every man and woman who carries a badge. It does not discriminate. It represents every race, creed and ethnicity. It shows solidarity for the frontline heroes who put their lives on the line each day they do their job. They hug and kiss their wives, girlfriends and their kids goodbye knowing they may never have that chance again.

My wife had to do this every time I left the house for 33 years when I was with the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department. She tried to make believe I was just going to a menial non-dangerous job and I was certain to be home for supper at 5 p.m. I cannot begin to tell you how many anniversaries, birthday parties for the kids, Christmases, etc.

Working rotating shifts for those 33-plus years, I worked knowing the supervisors had my back, including the sheriff. One works those jobs because they want to help the community in a small way.

Moore, in banning the Thin Blue Line, has announced to his troops that he no longer trusts them, believes in them or has their back. That’s a sinking feeling they must have knowing their boss no longer cares about them. He has given in to the complaints of a few malcontents. Moore should hand in his resignation and go live in hiding and shame. He is no longer a police officer. He is a political puppet. I certainly hope that if he remains with the LAPD he realizes he will be serving on his knees instead of standing on his feet tall and proud as an American. Please, would someone please tell me what is racist about a Thin Blue Line? My hat is off to every officer of the LAPD and their Thin Blur Line. One taxpayer’s opinion.

Dick Cesaroni
Former Santa Clarita resident
Tullahoma, Tennessee

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