This is to thank the letters to the editor department for printing and changing my (Aug. 18) letter title from “Humpty Trumpty Indictment Fall” to “She Really Doesn’t Like Trump,” which is true.
The changed title of my letter cements my contempt for Trump, which is valid and warranted for all the damage that he has done to America.
I will not give up my fight to prove that Donald Trump is an anti-democratic demagogue. Again to all the “Big Lie” believers, Trump has conned you, and when you say that the non-believers of the “Big Lie” are delusional, you have your priorities mixed up.
It is not delusional That trump has been indicted four times and probably still counting, and it is not delusional that Trump has been arrested four times, and the last arrest includes a mug shot.
Being an American citizen, one should be appalled at Trump’s lawlessness, corruption, lies, fraudulent behavior, etc.
To deny any of all the above allegations is delusional, and to believe that Trump is an altar boy is delusional.
Hillary Clinton was right. Trump is not fit to be president, and that the MAGA cult is deplorable and all the above allegations have come to fruition.
Lois Eisenberg
Santa Clarita