Mike Woodings | Horton Smears Garcia

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Again Gary Horton has attempted to create an issue with his ominous use of the word “conundrum” (commentary, Oct. 25). He wants Signal readers to believe Rep. Mike Garcia has sided with insurrectionists. Horton goes to great lengths in his latest column to try to equate Congressman Garcia’s voting for speaker of the House candidates as voting against democracy.  

Horton, however, led up to his argument by telling us Garcia is a “pleasant, professional and capable leader,” “who seems like an honestly good guy.” He went on to tell us what we all know, Garcia is “popular here at home” and “does a fine job representing us locally.” 

Horton appeared to this reader to again take full advantage of his bully pulpit to smear our respected elected representative out of his hatred for our past president. Today, we witnessed the election of Rep. Mike Johnson for speaker of the House by 220 Republicans, including Congressman Garcia. Congress can now get back to work addressing real issues facing Americans that Gary Horton too often ignores. 

Every two years, we elect representatives to Congress, and with Gary Horton having already told us that Mike Garcia is doing a fine job, I urge all voters in the 27th District to assure Garcia remains as our representative in 2024. 

Mike Woodings


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