Editor’s note: The following letter was written before Santa Clarita Transit drivers went on strike Monday morning.
My name is Sherman Strickrott. I am one of 160 operators at MV Transit in Santa Clarita. We are currently in negotiations with our union, Local 572 and MV Transit. We have been offered a 1.7% pay increase and $1,500 for back pay. No. We have not and will not agree to this. Since April, we have voted twice to strike. To park the buses and STRIKE. Two times we voted. The “best and final offer” was supposed to be by Sept. 11. That came and went and we’re still here. Still waiting for someone to make a decision either way.
The citizens of Santa Clarita know by 6 a.m. whether we are striking or not.
Now there are yellow school buses following our buses on the school routes, in case we do go on strike.
“Placing the burden on Santa Clarita’s most vulnerable citizens.” This is not our intention. We, the operators, apologize for this and I know you agree with us.
You know what we do every day. Customer service is our priority. Some of us drive from the Antelope Valley and farther every day to serve the people of your city. No one knows when these “good faith negotiations” meetings take place because we are kept out of the big loop.
Most of you know us. But a lot of you think we are just three-colored buffaloes taking up too much street. Either way, it’s our job and we chose to do it. Customer service is you. It’s what we do. Thank you, Santa Clarita.
Sherman Strickrott
Santa Clarita