Jeff Solomon | Happy 105th to The Signal

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Congratulations on serving our community for 105 years. That’s an accomplishment! As a longtime Santa Clarita resident of over 35 years, I’ve been a subscriber for a few of those years. With print newspapers being so challenged these days, it’s a blessing to have a community paper that does a great job covering what’s happening in the Santa Clarita Valley. The “letters to the editor” battles are very entertaining. Your local and syndicated columns make for a good read. Covering youth sports is also a win. There were some dark days when I was frustrated by how bad the paper was with typos and poor journalism, but you put the old band together — thanks, Tim and Team. Now, we have something of value covering many topics of interest. 

Thanks for all you do. Happy 105th birthday!

Jeff Solomon

Canyon Country

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