Once again, Gary Horton has outdone himself. For the 460th time, he has penned, yet again, another I-Hate-Trump column (March 13) that, like all the others, is completely out of touch with reality.
What he saw during President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address and what 95% of the rest of the country saw couldn’t be more starkly different. Gary says that Biden was “feisty and energetic” and “delivered a robust speech.” What I saw was an unhinged, deranged, angry, and, yes, dithering old man. If State of the Union Joe was riding the Metrolink, parents would be hugging their children and calling for security. “There’s a lunatic on the train ranting and raving about MAGA and abortions. We think he’s homeless. Poor old guy needs someone to come and pick him up.” Dr. Jill, are you listening?
Gary says, “Nearly a dozen disrespectful anti-American process types had to be escorted out.” He doesn’t mention that one “anti-American” was Steve Nikoui, whose son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, was killed at Abbey Gate, along with 12 other brave service members, during Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Who is the disrespectful one here, a still grieving father or the man who brought about his son’s death but refuses to acknowledge it?
And speaking of disrespect, Speaker Mike Johnson showed admirable restraint by biting his tongue and just rolling his eyes at Biden’s liefest. You’ll remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address right in front of the cameras in 2020. That is Democrat respect.
If Biden had one ounce of integrity, he would have said this in his State of the Union address: “I now realize that I made a huge mistake by canceling President Trump’s border policies. They were working. I hereby order the border wall to be completed, the Stay in Mexico policy to be reinstated, and the Stay in the First Safe Country policy to be reinstated. I would also like to thank President Trump for Operation Warp Speed, which miraculously gave us the COVID vaccines, thus ending the mortality of the worldwide pandemic.” By saying this, he would partially rescue his bribery-filled reputation and maybe, just maybe, his self-respect.
And so, Gary, like I have told you on more than one occasion … cease and desist. We get it. Move on.
One more thing. When Trump wins the election, will you brand your Antifa buddies as insurrectionists when they begin their destructive riots, shouting, “Not my President!”
Larry Moore