Brian Richards | Useful Idiots!

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Many of us who have been in California have lived through droughts. I remember my grandparents in Hayward capturing shower water in the early 1970s so they could water their plants. This was back when the climate was perfectly static and never changed.

Through 2021-22, California experienced a drought. They tend to happen given our climate, but this one was blamed on climate change. Residential users (10% of statewide usage) were told we must conserve and many did despite the fact that droughts have always ended and cutting residential usage was a drop in the bucket compared to business and agriculture usage.

Shockingly enough, 2022-23 and 2023-24 brought record rain. Reservoirs are full or almost full and some are even so full they have to release excess water. The issue that could have easily been forecasted was, revenues to water companies would drop. Thus, I read this today: “Water rates will increase by 8.5% in 2025 and another 8.5% in 2026. The rate increase will be reflected on the monthly water bill received by the 26 public water agencies the district serves. It delivers water to 19 million people in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego and Ventura counties.” Metropolitan Water District Chair Adán Ortega Jr. said.

Gaslighters claim inflation is tame and solved and yet here is another 17% increase over two years. We have once again been scammed. We were told to conserve even though residential usage was by far the lowest percentage of use. Some of you conserved and revenues dropped to water companies and now we’re all going to pay, again! This will not affect the lofty leftists who send letters to The Signal, but it will again hammer everyone else who is concerned about rising prices. They will tell us to shut up and take it, that it’s for the higher good, and that we must save the planet. Doesn’t everyone feel better now about conserving? 

Brian Richards

Stevenson Ranch

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