Jon Rebol | Time Ranger and Memories

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Re: The Time Ranger by John Boston, May 25.

Geez, Mr. Boston. Went to Placerita Junior High School with both Jack Uhey and Bob Walk. Tried out for the baseball team in ninth grade. Had to bail due to the Feb. 9, 1971, Sylmar Earthquake. 

Jack Uhey’s claim to fame: He appeared in the back pages of Sports Illustrated in the faces in the crowd section. He threw like a couple of no hitters in a row in Little League, or something along those lines. 

Bob Walk was the one you were most likely referring to. His family was here in Newhall since early times. They owned that old gas station on Sierra Highway on the L.A. city line. Later I pumped gas with Bob at Jim McDaniel’s Chevron next to Tip’s on Pico and Interstate 5. He would pitch to me when things got slow, which was often due to the fact that the price of gas there was the highest in the Santa Clarita Valley: 63 cents a gallon! 

When I was reading your article on Saturday, so help me God, I was watching Bob announcing the Pirates game on TV. Don’t think Jack Uhey ever made the majors, could be wrong. Look forward to your column every week, couldn’t let this one go by.

Jon Rebol


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