Just like elections run by Russia’s Communist Party, there was only one candidate on the Democratic primary elections. Daniel Klinghard’s headline in The Conversation reads, “Democratic Party’s choice of Harris was undemocratic − and the latest evidence of party leaders distrusting party voters.”
As with the Russian Communist Party controlling both Russian government and media, essentially all government and historic journalist positions are held by Democratic party members who work in lock step with the Democratic National Committee to hide the truth from the general population, to discredit the current president’s opponents and to use the FBI, the Department of Justice and the courts to persecute any viable opponents. Because of the DNC, we are not living in a democracy but in a bureaucratic autocracy. As Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves pointed out in a press release, “Federal agencies should be prioritizing their core duties, not acting as an extension of the Democratic National Committee.”
Just as the prison guards in Vladimir Putin’s Russia did not protect the wrongly jailed opposition leaders from poison, Joe Biden’s understaffed Secret Service left Donald Trump vulnerable to an assassination attempt. Despite this news story about the shooting, “Michael Harrigan, a retired FBI special agent, said the image captured by Doug Mills, a New York Times photographer, seems to show a bullet streaking past former President Donald J. Trump.” The Democratic leader of the FBI, Christopher Wray, made a politically charged and likely untrue revelation that the FBI was not sure Trump was hit by a bullet. This was an obvious attempt to deflect sympathy voting for Trump.
In a further attempt to intimidate non-DNC competition, Biden denied even token Secret Service protection to another presidential candidate, son of assassinated prior candidate, Robert F. Kennedy.
The slayers of democracy are the Democratic National Committee. First, they commissioned and distributed the false Steele dossier in an attempt to rig the 2016 presidential election. (The Democratic senate candidate here in California continues to accuse Trump with the lies in this document long after reasonable observers admit to its faulty source.)
Failing to rig the 2016 election, the DNC spent four years attacking President Trump – the duly elected representative of the American people. They even impeached him for using loyal subordinates to research Biden’s malfeasance as vice president.
Their FBI minions hid the confirmation of the Hunter Biden laptop from Trump for 15 months so Joe Biden would not have to answer for its contents. To compound this disloyalty to our president and the American people, the FBI coerced social media to suppress the truth once it was accurately published by the New York Post. Concurrently, a Biden campaign worker recruited a former CIA supervisor to write and distribute a false letter claiming the laptop had the “earmarks” of Russian misinformation. He even recruited mostly former-CIA-workers as co-signers.
Meanwhile, the DOJ was slow-walking an IRS investigation into millions of dollars sent to the Biden family from foreign sources. In an obvious case of overreach, the DOJ would not even allow the IRS contact with the head racketeer, Joe Biden. The delay to this investigation not only let the statute of limitation run, shielding Hunter Biden from the most serious charges, but also hid the nefarious actions from public view until after Joe Biden’s election.
As (a relative) commented, “November’s vote is a choice between autocracy and democracy.” This is a valid point. Unfortunately, she plans to vote to continue the current autocratic rule by voting Democratic. Her CNN or MSNBC bubble has her blind to the autocracy she now lives in. Also, someone in her information circle (perhaps America’s Pravda, The Washington Post) has mislabeled Donald Trump as an autocrat and she believed the propaganda. Her ancestors who successfully immigrated from the Soviet Union would be mortified at her choice.
Remember, “November’s vote is a choice between autocracy and democracy.” It may be the last opportunity to block the total control of the DNC – the very undemocratic Democratic National Committee. Given four or more years in the White House, Kamala Harris will restock the federal bureaucracy with Democratic (the party – not the philosophy) stooges. After this, the chances of any opponent to the DNC hand picked (no voting allowed) candidate would be about the same as Putin’s opposition.
Don’t miss this chance to restore the democracy that the leftist media, the FBI, and the DNC stole in the 2020 elections. Vote straight Republican on Nov. 5, or earlier if you prefer mail or a drop box to a polling center.
Kenneth Bloomfield