David Hegg | Who Me Change?

David Hegg
David Hegg is senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church and a Santa Clarita resident. "Ethically Speaking" runs Saturdays in The Signal.

By David Hegg

Given the fast-paced technological world we live in, it is common to hear how many people hate change. Leaders are cautioned to go slowly, manage expectations, and lead change strategically. Good leaders heed this advice, but they also understand the necessity of change.  

We hate change for several reasons, but few of them are positive. In most cases, aversion to change stems from personal insecurity, inability, and, most often, pride. However, change intends to move us from our current niche of complacency to a more productive place. Change is the fuel of progress; without it, we eventually go backward.  

If we look in the ethical mirror, we can see a few reasons for hating change and the personal flaws from which they spring: 

First, we often hate change simply because it creates uncertainty in us. We don’t know how the change will affect us, and, more often than not, we fill in the gaps with negatives. Have you ever noticed that when we don’t have the full story, we fill in the gaps with dreary predictions of failure and pain? The reason is we are almost unable to live with uncertainty, and if we waited to get all the information, we’d have to remain in the cloud of unknowing. And so we make up dire predictions to forestall the changes before they can materialize. Our fear of change is our fear of uncertainty dressed up in hasty criticism. 

Second, we often hate change because no one asks us if we want the change or if we have any thoughts on what changes should be made or how to effect the changes that would be the most beneficial. And while leadership is wise to include a wide range of opinions during the planning process, the real culprit here is personal pride. If change is planned without our input, we feel slighted, overlooked and belittled. Why? Because we consider ourselves more highly than we ought, and our pride rises to war against any change being considered apart from our invaluable input. Our fear of change, in this case, is our arrogance dressed up in childish petulance. 

Third, we often hate change because it has a way of uncovering our complacency. We all are prone to find comfortable routines that can be managed with less and less effort. Change threatens all that with new ideas, systems, and goals. Once again, our fear of change is something else entirely. It is our fear of having to work harder or differently that is activated. It isn’t the change but what it might cost us personally that sparks our reticence. Our fear of change is our own laziness masquerading as a champion of tradition and routine. 

Lastly, we may hate change simply because we’re afraid we won’t be able to function successfully in a new environment, system, or under a new philosophy. The truth is our insecurity is showing. Simply put, it isn’t change we’re afraid of, but our inability to think differently, learn new things, and keep up with the progress of time and technology.  

But let me ask you. What is the alternative? Everything changes in large and small ways every minute of every day.  

The last time I was at the beach, I noticed an amazing paradox. The sea, which we all love as a beautiful, relaxing and rejuvenating element in life, is constantly changing. It is constantly in motion. Yet, we could also say it is always the same! It is fluid yet constant simply because that’s its nature. Change is an integral part of what constitutes the sea and also what makes it so beautiful, mesmerizing and spectacular.  

Change is inevitable. There is no alternative. Every day, we age, and our bodies change. Every day, technological advances bring change to our way of life, our work, and our leisure. And as we all know, everything that has life is changing all the time. For living things, the alternative to change is death. When you stop changing, you die. 

Given that progress always brings change and that change is inevitable, I advise learning to own it and grasp its opportunities rather than criticize its uncertainty. We must learn to expand our comfort zones to encompass all life’s demands. In so doing, we may find that the “new” holds myriad delightful experiences and also may keep our grandkids thinking we’re lit, dope, rad, flick, gucci, fire, or whatever word they use to describe their “up to it” friends. See? Changing with the times can be stellar. 

Local resident David Hegg is senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church. “Ethically Speaking” appears Sundays. 

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