Jeff Ford | SCV’s Most Respected Water Leader

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Gary Martin is the most respected water policy leader in the Santa Clarita Valley. Gary has long served on state and local water boards and most recently has been the long-tenured president of the SCV Water Agency board. His leadership has been critical to ensuring a reliable and high-quality water supply at a reasonable cost for the for the benefit of all the residents of the SCV. 

His policy-making leadership is the capstone to a long career as a drinking water professional with the Mojave Water Agency that helped him to earn the respect of staff and representatives of the state’s water community. Gary is known for his patience and consensus building for solutions that benefit all interested parties in managing the provision of water supply. 

It has been an honor and a pleasure to have served with Gary on the SCV Water Agency’s board of directors. SCVWA customers should be gratified that his leadership helped to keep water flowing during severe drought, provided high-quality water despite threats to groundwater supplies and retained an efficient and capable workforce through COVID-19 lockdowns. He is a tremendous asset to the board and staff, and voters in Division 1 would be well advised to return him to the SCVWA board of directors.

Jeff Ford


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