Juanita Fitzgerald | Where Are We Going So Wrong?

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Maybe I am just getting old, but here are a few things that make me wonder where we are going so wrong:

• Where did the boysenberries go? I’m serious. 

• The Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry wants to build a 10,000-square-foot building. They need $10 million to do it. They say it is to serve more people. Maybe if they stayed open more than 15 hours a week it would help. Think how much $10 million will help people. That would feed many, many people.

• The Saugus Union School District is boasting because their test scores have risen to 66.39% and 62.12% of their students meeting state standards. When I went to school, those percentages would be a D and an F. Parents, pay attention!

• This is not a complaint about The Signal, but John Boston should rewrite his column of Sept. 14 and call it, “News media is at a treacherous crossroads.” Sadly, he wouldn’t have to change many words.

• I cannot believe 35 California Democrats voted against H.R. 7909, the Violent Crimes Act. It seems their reason was that it was unfair to illegal immigrants. Of course they used (just) the word “immigrants.” 

A lot more things make me wonder, “What the heck?” but I will save them for another day.

Juanita Fitzgerald 


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