Arthur Saginian | Not the Same Newcomers

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Lois Eisenberg (letters, Dec. 19) says that mass deportations of undocumented immigrants will harm our economy, our country, and increase the price of everything from food to construction. No, Lois, you’re wrong. That won’t happen.

The mass deportations being considered are targeting those who entered the country from 2021 to 2024 under the watch of the Biden/Harris administration, which amounts to roughly 10 million (give or take). The laborers you speak of were already here doing the work you’re talking about, and they’ve been here for years. These “newcomers,” on the other hand, haven’t had a chance to have an effect on our economy, not unless you consider how they have caused big “sanctuary cities” like New York to go into near financial panic over how to provide for their needs. Yeah, right, now they’re costing us.

So, I’ll repeat myself, Lois: You’re wrong. Mass deportations will not hurt us. We have plenty of them as it is. We can afford to send the newcomers back, all 10 million of them, plus, and most importantly, it’ll send a strong message. 

Arthur Saginian

Santa Clarita 

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