While scanning the multitude of articles and columns either praising or denouncing President-elect Donald Trump, I accidentally stumbled upon a gem that contained a sentence that amounted to the distilled essence of what those on the left fear most about the man.
This was in The Hill. About midway through his diatribe against Trump, the columnist made this statement (for those who are fearing that Trump intends to usher in a neo-Nazi regime — hardly, and quite the contrary):
“If there’s a single theme that holds Trump and his followers together, it is not tyrannical government, but the desire to cripple governmental capacity.”
My eyebrows flew up in astonishment. That’s it? That’s what this is all about? Pardon my ignorance, my naivete, but what’s wrong with that? Back in the days of the American Revolution people like that were called Anti-Federalists — you know, smaller government — and they were the most passionate revolutionaries of their time. Today they are called Republicans. LOL!
As an afterthought, an unbiased reading of our founding documents would lead someone from another country (or another planet) to conclude that the U.S. government was originally designed to grant its citizens the right to prosper pursuant to the productive application of their individual talent(s), unfettered by forces both foreign and domestic while pursuing that end — AND NOTHING MORE. This country is supposed to be a platform for freedom — which includes the freedom to fail — not a soup kitchen.
If Trump is seen to be taking us backward, I don’t see that as a bad thing if it takes us back to the reasons this country was founded in the first place. Anyone not agreeable with that is “free” to return to the land of their ancestry.
Arthur Saginian
Santa Clarita