Lois Eisenberg | What’s Wrong With That Picture?

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Jan. 20, 2025, will go down as a day of infamy: We now have a felon as president of the United States. What’s wrong with that picture?

Jan. 20 was also Martin Luther King Jr. Day and you couldn’t have had a more complete opposite day of patriotism from Trump’s inauguration. Martin Luther King was the epitome of a patriot, of one abiding by the rule of law, a leader for all people, a man of principles, morals, ethics, integrity.

“One can’t buy courage and decency, and can’t rent strong sense.” A president must bring those things with him when residing as president of the United States, but Donald Trump lacks these qualities. A president’s character is everything and there lies the crux of Trump’s inability to meet this standard. Thus, Trump fails the character test for president.

Trump just released his (Jan. 6 defendants) from prison, which is an appalling attack on the rule of law. 

With a despicable unethical Supreme Court,  MAGA running Congress, the future of the United States will lack morals, ethics, integrity and will forgo the rule of law.

Trump was left with a strong economy by President Barack Obama in 2017 and today, thanks to President Joe Biden, Trump has been left with a strong economy. The unemployment rate at this time is at 4.1% and when Trump left office it was 6.4%. Trump’s number on job increases was 6.7 million when he was in office, and now it is at 17 million and wage growth was greater on Biden’s watch.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, “drill baby drill” is already at an all time high, regardless of what Trump claims, and the number of Americans without health insurance is at an all-time low. 

Trump promised to bring down grocery prices and inflation and has confessed to the fact that “it’s hard to bring things down once they are up,” which was one of his untrue promises to the American people.

The U.S. is going to be run by Oligarchs, which means the government is going to be run by many wealthy people, which means the middleman doesn’t stand a chance, and the poor will become poorer. 

May the American people be spared from and survive this administration.

Lois Eisenberg


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