Susann Rizzo: Puzzled over endorsements for COC board

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I was very puzzled by The Signal’s endorsements of two long-term COC board members on Oct. 6.

The paper selected Bruce Fortine and Michele Jenkins for seats in Areas 2 and 4, and then stated that “it is unlikely” they would be endorsed again. Wow!

Dr. Edel Alonso is the candidate with long-term vision who is well regarded by fellow educators at the college and at the Hart school district where she has made countless contributions on behalf of students over her many years of involvement in education.

The trustees for the COC board this community elects to fill Areas 2 and 4 will touch all areas of our valley. Even though I do not live in Area 2, I know that the candidates who successfully win this election will also represent me.

So I ask, why endorse a candidate that the paper will not endorse again? Why not endorse, right now, a well-qualified and respected educator, Dr. Edel Alonso, to represent Area 2?

Why put aside a well-educated, respected and well-qualified leader and educator with vision and broad support in favor of someone that you will not support again?

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