Jonathan Gonzalez: Make them bright

Veterans Memorial rendering

I’m writing to express my support on the expansion of the SCV fallen warrior’s monument, so that those names won’t be forgotten and in a near future these memorials can be placed as high as possible.

I’m a student at College of the Canyons, a student who respects and admires veterans, those who have fallen in combat and those who have fought for our freedom. A student trying to contribute to Santa Clarita Valley in any way possible.

I strongly place confidence that the monument should be illuminated within the extended pergola, because our veterans deserve a place as high as possible where their names can be written and future generations can contemplate the hero’s names who died while fighting for our freedom.

I implore all SCV citizens to support our city leaders to take action on this project so that the fallen warriors can be honored in the best way possible there is. Illuminating their names into the sky making them brighter than the stars.

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