In The Signal newspaper from Friday, Feb. 17, 2017, there was a front-page article about the city and the county preparing for the upcoming storm. The city didn’t start cleaning out the Sand Canyon/Iron Canyon bridge until Thursday night. That was a little too late.
Now they have a huge problem there. I have to applaud the L.A. County of Public Works Department. They have been working six days a week since Nov. 3, and sometimes even seven days a week!
They built a debris basin – not a dam – meant to try to catch the boulders and debris that come out of the mountains. On Feb. 17, when the big storm hit, the county was out there until after 3 a.m. trying to clear the debris.
The dump trucks that go up and down our street (sometimes 45 of them making six trips a day) are very courteous of all of us residents. All the construction, dump trucks, county trucks and work trucks that have been going up and down have not been a burden to us at all
Sure, there is mud, but my kids brought in just as much when they were little. You have to learn to deal with it. We totally appreciate all the hard work they are doing for us.
We went to the SCHOA meeting last Thursday and I couldn’t believe how people were irate because the water and mud flowed onto their property. You have to do things to protect yourselves.
We built a huge retaining wall to protect ourselves and last Friday it saved us! If you live out here in God’s beautiful country – you know things will happen and you have to be prepared. We have mud on our property and we take care of it. We don’t whine and cry at a meeting and on TV about it.