In response to Gordon Katz’ comments published in the Oct. 10 issue of The Signal under the title “Memory block,” in so many instances liberal bias is put forth as fact.
In my letter I was commending Gary Horton for his column “America the unexceptional” on the fact that he took it upon himself to look up the meaning of a word, hoping that this fact-checking would catch on with liberals.
Apparently, we still have a ways to go.
As to Bush No. 43 causing the housing debacle, you might want to read “ The Housing Boom and Bust” by Thomas Sowell. It explains in detail what, how and who was invoked, and there are no big words.
There were many culprits but Bush No. 43 didn’t play any significant role. Two liberal heroes, Barney Frank and our very own Maxine Waters, were in it up to their armpits.
It is significant that Barney Frank did not run for re-election after the housing debacle, perhaps fearing that his involvement would do him harm. He did co-author with Sen. Dodd the terrible banking bill that has further stifled business, but what else can you expect from a liberal politician? It has since been voided by President Trump.
I would also recommend reading Cicero, his speeches and writings, circa 40 B.C.
He also fought against the same problems that beset us today.
It is always noteworthy that liberals tend to create facts out of their liberal bias. This doesn’t further the argument but they seem happy. Perhaps some day.
Jim Horton