Just read “Study finds students feel more stress in Trump era.”
Well I wonder why? It’s so obvious! It’s because of all the bad mouthing the liberals and media have been doing since the day he won. Yes, won the election.
It would be such a nice feeling if everyone who has negative thoughts toward our President just keep it to themselves. Then maybe there wouldn’t be a silly “study.” How ridiculous was that?
I also wanted to comment on Cokie and Steven Roberts article in the same paper as the “study” article asking why hasn’t the POTUS learned anything? Really? Your negative writing does not help either. Why can’t all of you who say and write negative things just stop and let the POTUS do his job he was elected to do. Give him a chance instead of always bad mouthing or writing negative petty things. Now that would be a breath of fresh air.
Marilyn Searcy