I travel from my work place (aerospace central on Ave Stanford) in Valencia to my home in Canyon Country every day.
I see so much home construction going on, seemingly everywhere I look on my long ride home each day.
Today’s Signal article called “A building boom” really helped me to decide to write this email.
Missing from that article is the fact that we have very limited road resources connecting one end of this valley (Valencia / Stevenson Ranch / Castaic) to the other end (Canyon Country / Saugus).
But yet, we build MORE houses.
We are not aiding to our very poor infrastructure, we just build more houses.
We are not helping my typical 45 minute drive to go 12 miles to my home.
We keep building more and more houses!
When does it ever stop?
When does someone address our traffic issues here in this valley?
No, we just build more and more and more houses.
Capitalism at its best!
I hope making all this money on house sales is worth driving the folks out of this valley due to the traffic conditions they cause.
I just don’t think anyone of those construction / home builders care about the residents here in the SCV.
I don’t even think our city government cares anymore and that seems so obvious because it never stops.
I bet all the people within the cars travelling with me down Newhall Ranch Road to Soledad Canyon care!
I used to be concerned about the ugly solar panels on our hills, but now I realize nobody else cares anymore.
I used to love living in SCV, now I sign as an Unhappy Canyon Country resident,
Jeff Kuka
Canyon Country