It is ironic and unfortunately very timely that Brian Baker’s commentary on the changes in the SCV since he moved here in 1984 was published on the 19th anniversary of the massacre of Columbine students. The tragic death of these young people meant that they would never get the opportunity to grow to their early-mid 30’s and enjoy a community life not unlike our Santa Clarita lifestyle.
Brian seems to be tortured by those he calls leftist, socialist Democrats, who he denigrates repeatedly. Name calling is not going to facilitate honest dialogue with all who disagree with him on the influence of the NRA, protecting society from military-style assault weapons, and keeping our children safe. Mr. Baker apparently has never encountered a non-conservative whose ideas are worthy of his consideration instead of his contempt.
He railed about the anti-NRA sign at Magic Mountain and Bouquet Canyon, which targets Rep. Steve Knight and his 93% grade from the NRA. He also branded a Knight opponent as a “carpetbagger” who has evil motives because he moved to our community with his family to enjoy our lifestyle. Didn’t Brian Baker move to the SCV for exactly the same reasons? Is it not OK for someone to decide to join our community and be active in politics unless he or she agrees with Brian Baker’s right-wing political views?
Finally, he supports keeping up the billboard sign to remind his tribe that leftists are out to take away their guns and 2nd Amendment rights. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and name-calling is not going to deter those who are for reasonable gun control and protecting innocent children.
Thomas Oatway