Barbara Dinius | SCV Losing Popular Auto Dealerships, Sending Residents ‘Over the Hill’

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Re: Loss of several car dealerships

I am so frustrated. All we hear is “shop local,” urging Santa Clarita residents to shop locally and not “go over the hill.” Well, for those of us who made the effort and shopped locally for automobiles, what do we have to show for our loyalty? Dealers of some of the most popular cars in Santa Clarita have LEFT the valley and left their customers facing unacceptable options.

This city has lost several auto dealerships — VW, Kia and now Mazda. For most of us, not having a local dealer to service our vehicle is unacceptable and inconvenient. Who has the time to drop off a vehicle in Van Nuys, find a ride home, to work and then find a way to get back “over the hill” to pick up the auto? Even retirees do not want to sit all day waiting for their car to be serviced.

Rumor has it that a Porsche dealership is replacing Mazda! How many Porsches do you see? I certainly see many more VWs, Mazdas and Kias. I urge the owners of these dealerships to put our loyal residents FIRST for sales and service.

Barbara Dinius

Canyon Country

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