To a certain degree, politicians and doctors require similar characteristics to do a worthy job for the people they serve. They must be good listeners; gather information by asking questions; be inquisitive; formulate ideas and plans to approach problems; continually look for solutions; use skill to communicate thoughts; be careful of potential adverse side effects in decision-making; have common sense; and, importantly, not be swayed by secondary gain or those who might have personal interest.
There are 15 candidates running for City Council, and many have these qualities. Two, though, I have worked with for over a decade, and have seen them in action aggressively working for the public good.
They are Diane Trautman and TimBen Boydston.
From their devotion working in city government (Diane as planning commissioner and TimBen as city councilman), to responsibilities in the community, both have brought talent, creativity and intelligence moving the city of Santa Clarita forward.
I highly endorse Diane Trautman and TimBen Boydston for City Council, and hope you will too with your vote.
Gene Dorio, M.D.