Stuart Waldman | Protect Water Supply, Yes on 3

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

California has the world’s fifth largest economy, but that economy cannot continue to grow without ensuring that our aging water infrastructure system is updated. In an era of increased drought and increased water supply volatility, updating our state’s water system is integral to continued economic growth. Proposition 3 takes the right steps to getting us there.

California’s recent years of drought followed by an extremely wet winter in 2016-17 have demonstrated the importance for the state to invest in water management for storage and recycling projects to capture water, as well as flood and dam infrastructure to cope during the wet years.

Southern California is reliant on a combination of imported water from Northern California, the Colorado River, and our own groundwater basins, and Proposition 3 makes the investments needed to improve reliability of our imported water, restore local watersheds and help local agencies better manage our limited supplies.

The Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA) strongly supports YES on Proposition 3, and asks you to join with the business community, labor, over 100 environmental groups, environmental justice groups, water agencies, the Southern California Water Coalition, and local legislators in support of a clean and reliable water supply through Proposition 3.

Stuart Waldman, President
Valley Industry and Commerce Association
Van Nuys

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