Tom Brokaw, former NBC broadcaster and columnist, wrote about the Greatest Generation, connoting the Americans of World War II times and the enemies we as a nation overcame. I was fortunate and privileged to grow into adulthood during that period. Journalists of that era were held in the highest regard, as we depended on them for facts. If one compares, including our reporters of national news, those heroes of our past with the behavior of our present leadership at all stages, with few exceptions, who should we emulate, let alone admire, the pickings are slim.
It’s obvious that the conduct of many of our leaders brings nothing but embarrassment, shame and disgrace to us who they represent. They, rant, they rave, they call each other names, and they do everything but work together. They do not solve today’s problems. They create more problems every hour of every day. What kind of example does this behavior set for the following generation?
It is also obvious that the incident that happened to the young men from Covington High School, of Kentucky, adds to the sense of angst. The initial way it was portrayed in the televised media by the biased TV commentators and columnists was incorrect. Many not only depicted lies and falsehoods concerning the young men but upon learning the truth about the incident many of the commentators have not recanted their errors in judgement, thereby affecting the young men they defamed.
What impact will this kind of leadership have on future generations? It will diminish us as a nation, it will make us less, and it will be the antithesis of what our founding fathers had in mind for us as a nation. We should attempt to convince our writers and commentators to do better.
The media not only has the ability to change but also must. As an example to all, we adults should not put up with deviation from good behavior. Lead by example. In the past, good behavior was rewarded and was extolled. Bad behavior was considered to be offensive and generally was just that.
What title would Tom Brokaw give us now and how would he portray this generation?
Just one more citizen displeased with the antics of many of our current leaders.
Carl Raggio