Chris Blankenhorn | Santa Claritans, Please Use Pace Responsibly

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

My wife and I both enjoy riding our bicycles along Santa Clarita’s expansive paseo system and are very pleased to see that the city has welcomed the Pace bike rentals as a pilot program. Having temporary use of the Pace bikes is a great alternative for those who cannot (or would rather not) get around by automobile.

Recently however, we have been disappointed to see Pace bikes apparently abandoned and unlocked in locations other than the docking stations or public bike racks where they are supposed to be returned. Just today, I found two Pace bikes on the South Fork Trail only about 100 feet from the Pace rack near Magic Mountain Parkway. A few days earlier, I saw one leaning on a fence, which was nowhere near a bike rack.

As per the Dec. 12 article in The Signal, the locks and racks are intended to avoid clutter so riders can be responsible with the Pace bikes. Please, fellow Santa Claritans, let’s not allow this to become a Lime/Bird scooter situation such as the one that burdens West Los Angeles and surrounding areas.

Chris Blankenhorn, Valencia

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