Drought-resistant plants help save money

Sunday Signal

pring has come to California and drought-resistant plants are a good option for residents looking to add some new plants. These drought-resistant plants can help save money, because they require less water.

“When people think about California native plants, they usually (think about) something that makes California look deserty, but you can mix it up to bring life to your yard as well,” said Mike Wronkowski, nursery manager at Green Thumb Nursery.

Lavender are good flowers for hot temperatures and love the sun. Bees are drawn to lavender, so they are a good plant to have if you are grow- ing fruit trees or any other edible plants that require pollination.

Ceanothus Also known as California lilacs, flower early in the spring and also draw a lot of bee activity.

California Fuschia blooms in late spring, and the flowers can last through fall. Fuschias also bring gardens to life by attracting hummingbirds, another pollinator.

Manzanita are very hardy and bloom in the summer months. Wronkowski recommends them for people who want to add some plants underneath a large tree like an oak, because they can grow well in either sun or shade, and tolerate the pH level of the soil beneath these trees.

IslandSnapdragon isanativeplant that blooms red in the spring and is another good hummingbird attractor.

Toyon Toyon is a popular native shrub that adds color and variety to gardens. Remember that the berries aren’t edible.

It takes about a year of being planted in the ground for drought-resistant plants to mature and take on their drought-resistant qualities.

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