Diane Wilson | Hotel Doesn’t Fit Sand Canyon

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

As a participant in the tour of the proposed Sand Canyon Country Club, I disagree with the reader letter from James Trabucco on June 30. Mr. Trabucco lives outside Sand Canyon and cannot fairly assess the negative impact on our lifestyle that the proposed hotel will bring. Many of us have horse ranches and have lived here for decades. We do not want the quality of our community to be changed by the intrusion of a large commercial project. 

The purpose of our Sand Canyon Special Standards are to “maintain, preserve and enhance the rural and equestrian character of Sand Canyon.” We like the peaceful atmosphere and the current residential large lot zoning. The General Plan envisioned that Santa Clarita would have unique neighborhoods, some having special standards to preserve their historic flavor. The proposed hotel is definitely incompatible with the rural Sand Canyon community.

As a real estate broker for over 40 years, I can state that homebuyers who choose to live in nice residential areas would not buy a home in an area of mixed uses. Homes in the Valencia Master Plan maintain their value because commercial properties are separated from residential communities. A hotel brings noise at all hours, unwelcome traffic, and transient activities. 

The planned Sand Canyon hotel would make the homes nearby less desirable and harder to sell. We are opposed to a hotel that would damage our beautiful neighborhood.

Diane Wilson, Canyon Country

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