Arthur Saginian | Disgusted by Both Sides

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

It appears that a fruit vendor was being harassed by a couple in Santa Clarita. I saw the tweet. I was disgusted by both sides of the argument.

First of all, is (unlicensed) street vending illegal in Santa Clarita? Yes, it is. Does the fruit vendor know that? He probably does. Why is he doing it? He needs the money…duh. Does he care that he’s breaking the law? Really? A man who’s trying to feed his family should be allowed to do whatever he wants as long as he’s not hurting anyone, right? America, the land of opportunists and outlaws.

As for the couple, especially the man. This is the sort of trashy attitude and behavior that gives white folks a bad name. Cocky, arrogant, foul-mouthed and condescending. I can see where he might be coming from, but that’s not how you deal with things. 

If I was the judge I would throw both the vendor and the man into the cooler for a few months.

Arthur Saginian


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