Independence Day is upon us, and we all enjoy celebrating with fireworks. Despite laws prohibiting private fireworks, many Santa Clarita Valley citizens light them anyway. But this year, I ask that you reconsider.
Just a few short months ago, the students at Saugus High School faced a horrible tragedy with the shooting deaths of Dominic Blackwell and Gracie Muehlberger. The sound of the gunshots caused hundreds of our kids to develop PTSD-like symptoms. Loud noises still trigger many of them. My own daughter is already feeling the anxiety awaiting the commotion of the Fourth of July.
Out of respect for these kids and what they are still coping with and likely will for many years to come, please resist the temptation to set off fireworks in your neighborhoods. Please find some other, quieter way to celebrate the birth of this great nation.
Thank you for your understanding and compassion.
Laurisa Reyes