Dick Cesaroni | Disappointed in Hart School Board

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Reading The Signal this morning, I am totally disappointed in the 4-1 vote by the William S. Hart Union High School District board in voting to remove a long-standing logo of tradition and spirit.

Not race-based. Not a slam against the Native Americans. 

The board referred to it as a “race-based symbol.” Not one iota. 

The symbol reflected the longstanding allegiance and loyalty to a proud culture and an educational foundation. 

As Kenny Rogers once sang, “You’ve got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em and know when to walk away.” 

That is exactly what four of the five board members (Bob Jensen, Cherise Moore, Linda Storli and James Webb) did. They folded and walked away from a 75-year tradition of William S. Hart High School. Mr. Hart is turning over in his grave because this was not the intent of the logo. 

In today’s atmosphere everyone wants to attach “the race card” to anything they don’t like or if anyone disagrees with them. 

All I can say is that the cowards of the district have spoken. 

I am curious to know if any of the board members are graduates of Hart High School. Maybe all of them. But they certainly ran when a little bit of controversy raised its ugly head. 

Thank you to Mr. Joe Messina – true grit 

One taxpayer’s opinion. 

Dick Cesaroni


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