Thomas Cadman | Say No to Unquestioned Compliance

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

According to Dr. Muntu Davis of the L.A. County Public Health Department, 99.5% of COVID-19 deaths in recent months occurred in unvaccinated people.

As of July 11, 66.6% of people in the Santa Clarita Valley had at least one dose of vaccine. People who choose not to be vaccinated can’t be forced to do so, and I would never be in favor of that happening. The CDC, the state of California and the L.A. County Health Department all claim that the available vaccines are effective against COVID-19 and all known variants. So, the question that must be asked is, why require masks on people who are for all intents immune to the disease?

Due to the politicization of this disease, is it just coincidence that this mandate is announced the same time school districts are announcing mask mandates until November for schools? 

If medical science and logic don’t indicate significant benefit from this mandate, then the judgement of the Department of Health must be called into question. Why are we not hearing from our governor, mayor or county supervisors on this issue?

It’s simple. They are elected and ducking the issue.

Unquestioned compliance to bureaucratic regulations can be disastrous. I world suggest reading some recent history. Say, 1929 to 1935!

Thomas Cadman

Canyon Country

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