Gerald Staack | Texas Law Sets Concerning Precedent

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

The refusal of the Supreme Court to block a Texas law that amounts to a ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy sets a concerning precedent.

What would the Supreme Court do if the state of New York, suffering significantly from shootings, writes and passes a law saying:

“To cut down on the use of firearms, all but one must be turned over to the police. Gun owners have six weeks to hand them in. Thereafter, anyone found owning more than one will be fined $10,000, and anyone knowing you have more can sue you for $10,000.”

Or how about if other states like California, overwhelmed by the loss of life and property due to global warming, fight back on deniers and polluters, saying, “Anyone polluting or not actively fighting global warming will be fined $10,000, and anyone knowing you pollute, or are not active, can sue you for $10,000.”

Gerald Staack

Former Santa Clarita resident

Wilmington, North Carolina

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