Edward Strawser | Too Many Conservative Opinions

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

One would never know that the Santa Clarita Valley is fast becoming a more diverse community. Reading the unabashed Signal newspaper whose editorials are 90% Republican-biased, one would get the impression that only a handful of Democrats and independents dare to stake claim on the streets of the city. 

The Signal’s cartoons on the editorial page are ALWAYS mocking our current president (and definitely not even funny). The frequent articles by Betty Arenson and her minions are written not just for opinions, but to make sure to gin up her base and divide our community even more. She and others seem to be in a constant state of agitation and anger. Not good for one’s blood pressure! 

But, I guess this is the business of today’s only SCV newspaper: to constantly divide, to constantly provoke and constantly anger and divide the community to a “us” vs. “them” mentality (not good for our democracy). 

If the purpose of this newspaper is to constantly tear our community apart, then The Signal is absolutely doing a terrific job. Congratulations!

Edward Strawser


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